Friday, 7 September 2012


Apologies avid readers - I have been slightly MIA this week. A combination of feeling run down (air con drama), job hunting & interview-researching has left me neglecting the blog slightly. Plus I've not actually been doing THAT much blog-worthy (you definitely don't want to hear about  me lying in bed watching hours of Breaking Bad and Pretty Little Liars).

So my new hobby for this week has been exercise. Now those who know me, do not faint, call me in concern or double check that this post has actually been written by me - it is me, Singapore has just given me a new lease of life in terms of exercise.

There's so many opportunities here to keep active - from bike rides to various parks to jog/walk round and abundance of clubs. I have a big hockey fanatic as a boyfriend, so avidly began looking for hockey clubs for him to play for, before he informs me that it is far too hot & humid for him to be running around outside...good point.

Most of our exercise has come from in & around our condo. We're lucky that we have a decent pool, squash courts, tennis courts and an ok gym. James has been pumping out far more length s in the pool than me & also at a much faster pace than me, but we've been tending to do a casual hour or so in the pool each night.

I'm quite limited to the exercise that I can do due to a dodgy & chronically painful ankle - to the point where I can barely run for the bus without it hurting. I've found that swimming and general physio exercises have been helping - so much so, that I've just got back from the gym after having run for 5 minutes on the treadmill for the first time in 11 years. 

The world is not QUITE ready for me in lycra yet - but if I carry on this way, I'm going to end up living out my childhood fantasy of being Jet from Gladiators. Maybe.

Next week is looking fun - not only is one of my favourites heading over from Sydney, but so is Will & Kate. Expect a week of royal hunting, job interview waiting & general fun.

Nade x

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